The massacre of trees in front of Rojc

Stabla stoje

Citizens of Pula found a pitiful sight of sawing trees in front of the Social Centre Rojc.

We have previously informed the public about the plans for cutting down the trees because of the construction of the skate park based on a report of the citizens via the Green Phone. We tried to obtain information from the Administrative Department for the Municipal System and Property.

Then we received the response that the trees which are located at the site of the future skate park will probably have to be removes. These are two wonderful Aleppo pines and one hackberry tree. These are old, big trees that adorned the garden of Rojc for decades. The authorities have easily found the reasons for cutting down the trees and were not prepared to modify the project, or try to find a good solution to preserve the trees.

It was enough to “retract” the skate park a few meters or perhaps consider a different location within the large garden of Rojc. Once we set up a transparent, written to the mayor, administrative services, informed the public - the cutting has been suspended. But, as expected, it was just a calm period, and when the people least expected, on Monday before 7 a.m. the trees have fallen ...