Spreading unpleasant odours during the storage of railway sleepers

Through the Green Phone in July this year, Zeleni Osijek has received several calls from concerned citizens regarding the disposal of railway sleepers at the Našice railway station, on the sixth track.
A large number of railway sleepers are located here, just a few meters from the houses of nearby citizens.

During rain and high temperatures, they release a very intense and unpleasant odour and citizens fear that it is toxic. The smell bothers them enough to drive them indoors and they are concerned about their health and the health of their children. They haven’t noticed any regular intervals of the occurrence and strengthening of the odour, but they do claim that it mostly depends on weather conditions (wind, rain, high temperature).

We have contacted HŽ Našice and we received the explanation that the disputable sleepers are intended for the reconstruction of the railway and are located there as construction material.
We have contacted the Ministry of the Environment and Energy and they explained that during a tour of the locations, allegations from our report about unpleasant odours during the storage of new railway sleepers have not been confirmed and that the railway sleepers are temporarily stored at cadastral plot 3455 cadastral municipality Našice. With a length of approximately 70 m and a maximum height of approximately 3 m, they were acquired in May for the reconstruction of the railway and their installation is planned for September of this year.