Unauthorised dumping of solid waste

If you come across unauthorised dumping of solid waste you can take the following steps to help in the removal of the aforementioned:

1. Collect photo records
2. Write a brief description of the current degree of pollution (odours, contamination of soil, wearing lightweight materials by wind…) and give as accurate as you can the position of the location so the competent services can access it quickly.

Whom to contact: You can forward the collected data to the City/Municipality or the municipal police department, the Inspection of Environmental Protection; in the case of hazardous waste (Tel: 01 / 3712-700, e-mail: okolis.inspekcija@mzopu.hr).

NOTE: You can always, especially if it is a matter of great urgency, and during the weekends, holidays or night, call the emergency services on 112
