Illegally constructed base stations/repeaters

Provide the following information:
a) which exact location is that? (In doing so, please use the most detailed possible description, for example, the base station on the roof of a building at X street on the first left turn after passing the traffic lights, vis-a-vis the shopping centre Y... ),
b) chronological order of events,
c) make photos and documents available if you possess them,
d) the identity of the possible perpetrator,
e) possible actions that you have taken in trying to resolve the mentioned situation. Upon report, the persons employed on the Green Phone act by contacting the competent institutions. In a situation like this, you may contact the competent institutions directly. In this case, you can contact the following institutions: The Ministry of Health, by a letter to the relevant inspection concerning the harmful effects of radiation on human health, the Ministry of Environment and Nature Protection, by a letter to the competent inspection letter concerning the harmful effects of radiation on the environment, the Ministry of Construction and Urban Planning, by a letter to the relevant inspection if you suspect illegality of building a base station/repeater.
