Green Phone Inquiries

In order to demonstrate the work of activists on the Green Phone, their patience, perseverance, and commitment which are required, we thought it would be the best to show you the cases (Inquiries) which we have been solving. As you will see, the methods and approaches to solving the problems differ from case to case, likewise some of them are solved successfully, and some are still ongoing. Other than the mere presentation of our work, it is our desire is to give you some new ideas for solving environmental problems in your environment. Each case contains the category to which it relates, and the name of the association which resolved the case.

Although the law clearly regulates the obligation of local government to take measures for rehabilitation of wild landfills, it is not applied in practice, at least not so easily.

Recently, the Green Phone of Association Green Osijek received a report of one such site in the town of Vukovar. It is a plot owned by the Croatian Railways, which is not in operation and which is regularly used by the local population as a landfill.

The Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection says that Međimurje County (and the whole part of northern Croatian) is a promised land for the owners of poultry houses.

The following example comes from the village Palinovec where 6 poultry houses with more than 40,000 fattening chickens are located only 30 meters from the pond used by the locals for many years now as a promenade, as the track for various sports activities and for traditional sports-fishing competition for children and for teaching in nature, in cooperation with the elementary school Hodošan.

Through the Green Ecological Phone company Krka - Knin we received the report from the citizen of Knin via the Green Phone of the Ecological Company Krka on the disposal of construction waste (mostly old asphalt) on a private parcel as a result of the construction i.e. reconstruction of state road Tomislavova in Knin.

After repeated reports to the Green Phone of Eco Pan this year related to the discharge of the contents of septic tanks (faeces) in the environment, and given the failure of the competent services to act, we have decided to refer the complaint to the superior officials of these authorities in the Ministry of Health.

Green Phone of the Association Franjo Koščec received a report concerning the smoke of unpleasant smell (phenol), which is usually repeated in the afternoon hours. 

Phenol is a very harmful substance which causes respiratory disease and cancer diseases. The following day we also received the photographs of a blue smoke coming out of an industrial chimney whose cover was lifted. 

We received a report of illegal landfill of bulky and construction waste in the area of the Municipality of Vrsi via the Green Phone of Eko Zadar.

The open dump is located on the way to the well field Golubinka (a few minutes from the detour from the main road towards the water wells, mostly on the right side of the road, and the waste consists of old mattresses, furniture, construction waste, miscellaneous...).

The report is registered under number 134/2015, and we sent it to the municipal services of the Municipality of Vrsi.

Last month, via the Green Phone, the Association Žmergo received an inquiry of the tenants if it can help them protect the trees that grow in their garden.

In the garden of a residential building containing 8 apartments in Rijeka, the City of Rijeka gave the order that the wall belonging to the building must be repaired because it was damaged by the tree growing next to it.

Via the Green Phone, the association Žmergo received a report from the tenants that there is a gold refinery in their neighbourhood, which emits toxic gases.

Residents of the village of Kastav have noticed that the air has an odour since the refinery started working in their neighbourhood, and that their fruit trees began to wither and agricultural crops sustained damage, which was not happening before.

Over the years, open dumps were repeatedly reported to the green phone in the area of lisina forest park. Lisina Forest Park is located near a populated area and it is connected with the first village - Rukavac, with an easily passable road that continues further in the park to the gravel road, which then passes through the whole area of Lisina, which has been marked as a bike path.

Last month the legal team of the Association for nature, environment and sustainable development Sunce received a report via the Freen phone concerning an illegal disposal of mixed waste and general messy state of a facility located in the centre of the town of Sinj.
