Green Phone Inquiries

In order to demonstrate the work of activists on the Green Phone, their patience, perseverance, and commitment which are required, we thought it would be the best to show you the cases (Inquiries) which we have been solving. As you will see, the methods and approaches to solving the problems differ from case to case, likewise some of them are solved successfully, and some are still ongoing. Other than the mere presentation of our work, it is our desire is to give you some new ideas for solving environmental problems in your environment. Each case contains the category to which it relates, and the name of the association which resolved the case.

Citizens who live in the Pula area since October 2015 have nowhere to properly dispose of construction waste due to the closure of the Valmarin landfill for construction waste.

Regarding this problem, we got a lot of queries from citizens over the Green phone and we think is unacceptable that the citizens for more than four months now have no place that allows for proper disposal of construction waste. Pursuant to The Law on sustainable waste management, local government units shall determine the location for the management of construction waste in their area.

At the beginning of April the Sunce association’s Green phone received a report from the municipality of Klis in which our applicants warn of increased and possible illegal waste disposal.

We received the a report of the locals from Sukošan via the “Green Phone” of Eco Zadar who complained about the odour which makes it difficult to the residents to breathe, and comes from the location Golo Brdo, 2 km from the village.

For years now, all sorts of waste are deposited there which systematically threatens human health and destroys the nature. Namely, the stream flows next to that waste which eventually merges with the sea, and waste such as asbestos, oil, asphalt, stifle and similar id disposed of.

Environment Protection Organisation Nobilis received a call for help from the locals of the village Okrugli vrh in Međimurje County regarding the inability to further tolerate the negligent handling of waste from the poultry industry.

It is no secret at all that the Međimurje County is a “promised land” for many owners of poultry which usually not be a problem if everyone acted conscientiously with the waste from the said industry.

The adoption of Waste Management Plan and III Amendment to the Spatial Plan of the Municipality of Barilović is pending.

It was pointed out in both documents that in the area of Barilović there is no waste dumped in the environment that would be considered an open dump or illegally deposited waste. Therefore no rehabilitation of open dumps is included in those documents.

Croatian forests and construction waste: in march, a security-ecological organisation Nobilis received a report regarding access ramps in locations around the resort Puščina and Gornji Hrašćani in Međimurska county in order to protect the environment from unscrupulous people.

Via the Green phone, Eco Zadar received a report on an open dump in the City of Zadar.

The accumulations of various wastes (bulk, construction, other waste) are located in the area of forest of Bokanjac towards Žmirići.

We forwarded the report to the city of Zadar, to the Department of Municipal Services and to the municipal enterprise Čistoća d.o.o., which then went to the field and took appropriate measures for the treatment of waste.

A huge problem encountered by almost all of the smaller cities in Slavonia is drainage, i.e. a partial or complete lack of the public sewerage system for domestic waste water.

On the greater part of our counties septic tanks are in use, which, by its capacity, often do not satisfy needs, and often are "cleverly" designed and made with a porous bottom, so that they do not have to be discharged often.

Event after the last year’s withdrawal of snow.
Dead chickens saga that continues (every year we have several reports concerning dead chickens in the lead role, since there are lots of chicken farms in the surrounding area, and obviously, unscrupulous citizens who do not dispose of the carcasses in the prescribed manner).

Anonymous report from an anonymous town in Međimurje County. A gentleman was walking his dog and came to some arable land full of dead chickens scattered all around.

urban gardens which are located on protected green area vis-a-vis shopping centre Billa will soon become a thing of the past.
That is confirmed by the City of Pula which intends to “arrange” this area by filling earth and rocks from the construction site of the new hospital in Pula.
